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Environmental Protection Agency
HOCI is found on EPA’s “List N”meaning it’s approved to kill all strains and variants of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), andthe new“List Q,”for killing Emerging Viral Pathogens (EVPs).

Hypochlorous Acid
"An ideal disinfectant and sanitizer must be nontoxic to surface contact, noncorrosive, effective in various forms, and relatively inexpensive. HOCl may be 'the' disinfectant of choice for coronaviruses."

HOCl Atomizing Stopped Cross-Contamination
With manual cleaning alone, bacteria still spread to half the tested surfaces. But when HOCl fogging was added, there was zero cross-contamination.
Summary: Using HOCl fogging along with regular cleaning makes hospital rooms much safer by killing more bacteria, preventing the spread of germs, and reducing the time it takes to clean properly.

HOCl Atomizing
Panasonic is the first in the industry to verify the inhibition of airborne and adhered bacteria in a real-world space by using hypochlorous acid. Panasonic’s study shows that HOCl atomizing can dramatically improve air quality, reduce the spread of germs, and create safer indoor environments.
✅ Airborne Bacteria Dropped by 85% – The classroom with HOCl devices had significantly fewer bacteria in the air compared to the one without.
✅ Surfaces Were 99.9% Germ-Free – The lab test showed HOCl effectively killed dangerous bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on surfaces.
✅ Fungi & Mold Were Reduced – The technology didn’t just target bacteria; it also cut down mold and other airborne contaminants.

HOCl Atomizing for Daycares
Daycare centers are full of little ones playing, touching, and sharing toys—which means germs spread fast through contact, sneezes, and even mouth-to-mouth transmission. Traditional cleaning with wipes, alcohol, or bleach takes time and may not reach every surface effectively.
Toys made of rubber and fabric were disinfected within 1 hour, while plastic toys took 3 hours. HOCl atomizing effectively reduces germs in daycare centers without the need for constant wiping.
Japan has embraced HOCl atomizing as an extra layer of protection in kindergartens and daycare centers across the country.
Seiko Giken, the manufacturer of our stationary UX4 HOCl atomizer, also manufactured one of the atomizers used in this study.

Safe Enough for Neonatal Units
Pure hypochlorous acid* can remove microorganisms and fungi, is non-cytotoxic, and is safe for use around the eyes, ears, mouth...